Katrina’s Blog

Daily Message

“Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson I’m dating myself here, but remember the show Happy Days? Fonzi was “too cool” to ever say he was wrong or utter the words “I’m sorry”. The writer’s of the show used this character flaw to show how pride…

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Seek the Light

“None of us has the power to force others to rid themselves of darkness. The only power we have is to demonstrate how delightful it is to live in the light.”-Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D Sometimes it is hard to envision how the world could live as One harmonious community. A time when we all put down our weapons and judgments…

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When the Power of Love overcomes…

We are all one. Think of the ocean. All the water flowing together; not separate. Now imagine if you were to take a water dropper and begin to pull out drops of water one at a time and place them into individual containers…roughly 7 billion containers. That’s us. That is the whole thing. That simple. Yes. In the beginning we were a united ocean of consciousness, awareness, light energy or if I dare say “God”. Then that collective consciousness wanted to experience an embodied life and splintered itself into billions of little entities, including animals, trees, mountains, oceans etc. Karma Yoga Center offers a full menu of classes, levels styles for students of yoga in Denver.

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Happiness Is An Inside Job

“If only I had(______________), then I would be much happier.” What would you fill in the blank with? Love? Money? A new job? A home? A car? A vacation? A social life? Quiet time? More Time? Kids? Tiny hiney? These are the answers that I usually hear.  And they are all valid in that all have redeeming qualities (except the…

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Judge Less, Love More.

Judge less and love more. The world needs lovingkindness or metta. Hate is toxic and will harden your heart. Yoga teacher training. 108 sun salutations for peace. Kundalini workhop. Para yoga teacher Katie Silcox. History of Yoga. Gong Bath.

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Cracked Wide Open

When the heart breaks, it is really breaking open to understanding that love is everything and everywhere. Art and Yoga workshop, Spiritual Transformation is happening now, Saul David Raye, Katie Silcox, Kundalini workshop with bound Lotus. Learn to chant. Gong Bath.

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Surf’s Up!

Namaste Friends, There is so much energy swirling in the Universe right now. I find that some days seem incredibly surreal; like real life is somehow crossing and merging with an unknown world where thoughts are felt, and dreams become truth. The unseen becomes tangible. And the unknown begins to reveal itself through epiphanies, revelations, visions, and awakenings that have…

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Becoming a Spiritual Warrior

“You can be absolutely certain that when you feel you are being most unfairly tested, you are being prepared for great achievement.” – Napoleon Hill Namaste Friends, Ever get that urge to bury your face in your own two hands and cry uncontrollably and without shame or concern for who might be watching?  IF you answered yes. Phew!  You are…

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Finding Balance

“Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night”.~Rainer Maria Rilke Namaste Friends! Maybe its because I was born on the equinox that I love Spring so much, but I absolutely look forward to this season change every year.  Birthday connection aside, I have a…

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Jump Down The Rabbit Hole!

The Mad Hatter: Have I gone mad? Alice: I’m afraid so. You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are. Namaste Friends, Remember when Alice fell down the rabbit hole into the unknown world of Wonderland?  Well 2012 is the year to jump down the rabbit hole.  Strap on bravery, give fear the shove off,…

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