Finding Balance
“Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night”.~Rainer Maria Rilke
Namaste Friends!
Maybe its because I was born on the equinox that I love Spring so much, but I absolutely look forward to this season change every year. Birthday connection aside, I have a deep love for Spring because it is the one season that symbolizes hope and renewal. Just when you think it can’t get any more dark, dreary, or down, the light begins to lengthen, the gray turns to green, and everything begins to come alive again.
Its a clear reminder that nothing in the natural world is totally stagnant or stuck. Life is a constantly in expansion and contraction: its an ebb/flow; inhale/exhale; birth/death. When we are in troubled waters, its only for that patch, eventually we flow to an easy current. The dark turns to light. The dorment comes to life. Lack flows to abundance. Only when we go against the natural flow of life, or the ritam do we find ourselves stuck, trapped, or lost.
We are in a very potent time in our existence. We have an expanded sense of consciousness. More than ever we are aware of our connection to the Earth, all her creatures, and each other. And at the same time we have contracted into a technological vacuum where we communicate with one another via satellites; text messaging and Facebook are how we socialize with humanity. Our “Friends” list is expansive; but our one-on one time is contracted. We have an expanded to-do list; we are busier than ever. But our personal time is contracted. We seldom sit alone with our true self and connect to our heart energy.
Technological advancements are not going to go away. And I am not saying we need or want them to; my cell phone and iPad are with me everywhere I go. I am very grateful for the convenience factor that they bring. However, it makes me remember the ebb/flow principle. I need to balance my cyber space energies with the natural world’s energies. That means unpluging, powering down, going airplane mode more often. And trading in that use of time to connect to my Higher Self. The part of myself that has the same Divine Intelligence coursing through it as the Cherry Tree that is about to blossom. The same Creative Energy that makes the crocus poke up through the soil in the same place year after year. Just as that Greater Source knows how to guide this amazing life. It too knows how to guide our lives. We just need to make sure we create space for it to flow through us. We need to get out of our own way, and let Nature do its thing.
So be sure to carve out time daily, weekly, as often as you can, for introspection and quiet contemplation. Give your Self time to be very present with your breath, your heart, and your intuition. Seek out an expanded view of Love for yourself, the Earth, and all its creatures. Let your busy self contract a bit. Create your own personal equinox or time of balanced energies in your life. Make a commitment to your mat. Do some kind of yoga everyday. Whether its 5 minutes of breath of fire in the morning or sitting for10 minutes quietly on the couch at the end of the day. Read some uplifting scripture, or write in your journal, or walk the park, or help someone just because, or chant your favorite mantra, or work on your art project. All of these are aspects of yoga. Connecting your mind, bod, and spirit; all three in union. That is the highest and most natural state of our being.
And of course you can always come to your favorite yoga class. We are coming onto a schedule change, as we do every Equinox and Solstice. We have some new and exciting changes! We will be offering a Physical Therapy yoga class, Yoga Nidra, another Kids Yoga class, two more sunrise yoga classes, and Womens Only: Divine Femine yoga class. We also have several new teachers in the fold. Welcome Caroline Bloomquist, Dagini Amba, Jenny Kosin, Trini Heffron, and Marie Gernes.
We sadly say goodbye to long time teacher and friend Mary Ann Eagan who will be moving this month to Connecticut. We will miss your generous hugs, beautiful teachings, and gigantic heart. Blessings on your new path sweet Mary Ann. We will miss you.
Enjoy the beauty of this season as the earth unfolds its love and hope in the form of flowers, greenery, warmth, and light. Let your inner knowing expand, and your busy schedule contract.
Much love,
Ongoing Monthly events:
- On second Fridays we have a Healing Gong Bath with Dev Darshan from 7-8pm.
- Third Fridays we have a free yoga class at 5:45 with Alyssa Gunn.
- One Sunday a month we have a Drum Circle with Damon the Zen Drummer.