Astrology Readings, Workshops & Videos

The Astrology of 2024 & Beyond
“The Aquarian Age, We Are The Seed People”

2024 is a year of personal and global awakening. As a collective we have had enough time to process the experiences of the last 4 years and know our Hearts. A glimmer of the much talked about Aquarian Energy is here. But where exactly? Within each our Hearts. We are the seed people of this new dawning of consciousness. We will look at both the Harmonic and Disharmonic ways that could express on all levels.This is further illuminated as Pluto makes a permanent ingress into Aquarius until 2044– though there is one last short retrograde into Capricorn from September to November. This is a huge energetic shift and a major passage of time on the cosmic and Karmic Clock. We’ll look at what this may mean for our Planet.Jupiter and Uranus will have an expansive conjunction in Taurus during April, sending waves through the whole Planetary body, heart and mind.

In May, Jupiter enters Gemini, the sign of Technology and Messages from the Unconsciousness. It’s the first time since 2012, when the Mayan Calendar marked the initiation into a New Age of Being. The Mayan’s spoke much about the passage and quality of time from 2012-2025 ~we’ll have a look at this too.

The Karmic Nodes of Fate will hold steady in Aries & Libra giving us time to heal old relationships and cultivate a new way with the Masculine. This is supported at an Aries North Node Conjunction with Chiron in February- Opening Our Hearts.

We will also experience 4 Eclipses (April/May & Sep/Oct), 3 Mercury Retrogrades– though the year starts on the last day of a 2023 retrograde’s ending. And, we will be stepping into the year of the Wood Dragon on Feb 10. The Dragon is related to Aquarius and the Planet Uranus. So this will give an extra boost to the Spiritual Awakening and Evolution that Age of Aquarius is starting. Jai Ma!

The planet Uranus will be delivering lightning bolt calls to awaken. For those on the path our job will be to stand in our illumination and use our own path of our Soul’s Purpose to help others awaken too. Let this be a year of illumination.

Learn about greater cycles of time that are now unfolding that are referenced by the Greeks, The Yogis, The Mayans, and the Lakota. We’ll also cover the quantum physics and evolutionary states of consciousness and how these transitional events will play out for each. We will share tools and practices that may be helpful to navigate these unfolding energies and times. And, we we will look at the astrology of 2024 through 2025 and beyond.


We talk and present the workshop in common language. There is no need for any prior knowledge of astrology to attend. All are welcome to watch 🙂

The Shaman & The Mermaid Astrology 

Every Full Moon Cycle, Owners Katrina Marie and Michael share their insights on the Cosmic, Spiritual and Psychic weather. Subscribe below!

The Shaman & The Mermaid Astrology is your guide to cosmic and earthly energies that we are experiencing both as individuals and as a collective. Learn practical ways to navigate each Cycle through our simple mantras, insights on societal rhythms, and wisdom from many different paths from the Mayan, Yogic, Taoist, Greek, Egyptian, and Mother Earth based traditions.

Cosmic Download & Astrology Report 
July 21 – Aug 19  

“Check Your Pulse… Do you Have The Heart Of A Lion?”

July 21 – Aug 19  ~ The Cosmic Download & Astrology Report 

“Check Your Pulse… Do you Have The Heart Of A Lion?”

Namaste and welcome to Leo Season. If you have never considered it before, the Astrological and Gregorian calendars measure different qualities of time. The Gregorian calendar relates to past social, political, and religious patterns. Pope Gregory set the months and time cycle for the calendar that most Westerners use today. This calendar mainly measures human time cycles and the 365.24-day year. The moths do not relate to the Seasons or the movement of the Sun and the Earth.

The Astrological calendar is the cycle of the seasons—the equinoxes, the solstices, and the wheel of the year. Or stated another way, measure of the moment between of the Sun and the Earth.  The astrological year starts on the First Day of Spring, when the Sun enters the sign of Aries, and ends when the Sun is in Pisces it is the last month of Winter. Then, the cycle begins again. Time is circular. So, Leo Season is mid-summer and the personification of the Sun on Earth. Leo is the sign that relates to the Sun and also the Heart. Leo rules both the physical heart and the Spiritual Heart- the inner sun.

Leo also relates to the quarter season of Lammas on Aug 2, which is the first harvest of the summer, particularly the Summer Wheat. The heart and seeds of the Wheat plant are called the “Pulse,” and these are the golden grains that are ground into flour and make bread. Leo’s time of year and the Lammas celebration is about opening up the heart and sharing the bounty from Mother Earth from the first harvest with your community. Thus, our mantra for this time is, “Check Your Pulse… Do you Have The Heart Of A Lion?”

July 21 is the Capricorn Full Moon and is an Astrological Blue Moon– the second Capricorn moon within the month of Cancer. Additionally, the Sun trines Neptune and Mercury squares Uranus. This is a check-in around Karma & Dharma, Spiritual Law, Communication, and our Free Will Choices. Are we choosing to align with the ways of nature and intuition, or are we avoiding our spiritual wisdom?

As mentioned, the Sun enters Leo from July 22 – Aug 22. Spiritually, this is about being open-hearted, authentic, caring, creative, spontaneous, and a good leader. Let your heart light shine. Love each other and create.

Chiron goes retrograde from July 26-Dec 29. The wounded-healer is going back through Aries- the wounded masculine. This retrograde is an opportunity to heal, learn, and become aware of patterns in the subconscious. Unhealthy masculine is avoiding, projecting, defensive, fearful, and misguided. Healthy masculine is Love, Will Power, Initiating, Seeking Truth, and upholding the Feminine.

Lammas is Aug 2. This is the exact midpoint between summer and fall. Do ceremony, celebrate, make bread, gather with your community, and give thanks to the Earth and Sun for the bounties of life. This is also a time to bury the hatchet and come to peace. One tradition is to make bread from the best of the first wheat harvest, give it to someone you are in conflict with, share the bread, and heal past wounds.

The Leo New Moon is Aug 4. And Mercury goes retrograde until Aug 27. The Leo new moon is calling for a new cycle and going within to the light of the Spiritual Heart. Dream, vision and create. Mercury will be crisscrossing between Virgo and Leo. Mother Earth and Father Sky. Find balance in your life. Go out into nature commune with plants, animals, elements and the Sunrises and Sunsets.

Lion’s Gate is Aug 8 or 8:8, which is Double Infinity. This is when the Sun conjuncts the star Regulus, the Heart of the Leo Constellation. It is a mystical gate that can open up the Spiritual Heart and Cosmic Consciousness. Meditate, Pray, Vision, and find the Inner Sun within your being. This is your path back to God.

Mars conjuncts Jupiter in Gemini on Aug 14 as Mercury goes back into Leo. Mars is the masculine and Jupiter is our Spiritual Teacher. Mercury in Leo is going back to the heart. Let your heart be your guide and spiritual teacher. The masculine needs grounding in a spiritual path.

Finally, Mercury will square Uranus 3 times while in retrograde: July 21, Aug 18, and Sep 6. Pay attention to these dates; they are setting a rhythm to time. Uranus can be sudden, electric, radical, and revelation. Harness this energy for your evolution. remember “Check Your Pulse… Do you Have The Heart Of A Lion?” See you at the Aquarius Full Moon on Aug 19.

Astrology Readings @ Karma 
Karma Yoga Center owners Katrina Gustafson and Michael Shankara are Western Astrologers in the lineage of Evolutionary Astrology. They are offering Full Astrology Readings to the community.
Learn how your birth chart can help you to understand your Karma and Dharma, and how to more fully realize your Soul’s purpose. This can be a powerful tool to deepen your spiritual path, work with limiting patterns, and open up more fully to your Soul’s gifts.
Birth Chart Astrology Reading
  • 90 min Personal Birth Chart Reading
  • A look at your Karma/Dharma (Life Purpose)
  • Guidance on how to work with your Karma/Dharma and Soul’s Purpose
  • A Recording and Guided Notes on your Birth Chart.
  • Exploring any questions that you may have about any aspect of your life- Relationship, Parents, Trauma, Spiritual Gifts, Soul’s Purpose, Gifts, Understanding the Meaning of Experiences…
Birth Chart Cost
Astrology Readings are $180 Regular and $162 for Karma Members. Please be ready to provide your Birthdate, Birth Time, and Location of Birth 🙂

Relationship Readings
Couples and Partners can explore the Soul-Dynamics of their relationship through a joint reading. This will including looking at Karma/Dharma together, Collective Purpose of the Relationship, What is the best expression of the Relationship from the Soul Perspective, Lessons being Learned, Communication, and any other questions that are wanting to be explored.
Relationship Readings Cost
90 min and cost $275 Regular and $247 Karma Members. Please be ready to provide Birthdate, Birth Time, and Location of Birth for both people 🙂

Give the Gift of Astrology
You can purchase a reading as a gift for a friend, family member, or co-woker and it can be scheduled anytime. You can purchase a Gift Certificate HERE, or come to the studio to purchase, or contact us with below…

Schedule Now!
Michael is the Astrologer for Birth Chart Readings, Relationship Readings, and transits. You can schdeule a reading by e-mailing Michael with the subject “Astrology Reading” or call 720-745-0184 for more info. Please be ready to provide your Birthdate, Birth Time, and Location of Birth 🙂
Katrina provides Spiritual Counseling, Crystal Healings and incorporates her innate understanding of astrology in her sessions. You can schdeule a session by e-mailing Katrina with the subject “Spiritual Counseling”  or “Crystal Healing.”
Or Fill Out the Form Below 🙂 

    Karma Yoga Center Astrology
    Michael 1
    Karma YOga Center Teacher Training

    About Your Astrologers

    Michael Shankara

    Michael is a certified yoga teacher, Mayan Shaman, Priest, and Astrologer. Initiated into the sacred wisdom of the Maya, Michael is the sole apprentice under elder, priest and shaman Dr. Don Miguel Angel Vergara- former director of the sacred Chichen Itza Archeology Site in Mexico. Michael is also a musician and sound healer, providing live music for yoga classes, retreats, journeys and mediations at Karma Yoga Center. Michael is a certified Crystology Healer and studies Soul Astrology, Astronomy, and the Mayan Calendars. He offers Energy Healings and Astrology Readings that integrate his shamanic and yogic trainings. Michael & Katrina also provide a free videos series on the New Moons and Fulls called the The Shaman & The Mermaid Astrology.

    Katrina Marie Gustafson
    The mermaid of the mountains, Katrina Marie seeks the heights of the peaks and the depths of the oceans in her practice. Through the wisdom of the heart, her purpose is to help guide others to open their own. She has studied in the temples of India, the pyramids of Mexico, and in the crucible of modern life. She finds the sacred in the rhythm of the seasons, the stars, and every second of life. As the owner and founder of Karma Yoga Center in Denver, she brings the bhakti from all wisdom traditions to her yoga classes- singing, chanting, dancing, and journeys into the heart. Katrina fills every yoga session with love. She weaves in the teachings of her yoga mentor Saul David Raye and the cosmic knowings from the lineage of Evolutionary Astrology. She shares her life journey with her half-side husband Michael Shankara and her two boys Max & Bo. Katrina offers Spiritual Counseling, Crystal Healing Sessions, and incorporates her innate understanding of astrology. Contact Katrina for Spiritual Counseling or Crystal Healings.