Seek the Light

“None of us has the power to force others to rid themselves of darkness. The only power we have is to demonstrate how delightful it is to live in the light.”-Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D

Sometimes it is hard to envision how the world could live as One harmonious community. A time when we all put down our weapons and judgments and barbed wire fences and see each other as beautiful beings made of divine light and love. Some days this hope seems so far off. But as long as each of us keep endeavoring to bring forth our own truth and beauty; our own luminosity; to operate from a place of compassion, generosity, and love, I believe that eventually everyone will rise to their highest self or divine light and live in that place. Those who are living at a lower vibration of love and compassion will be drawn to those who are vibrating at a higher vibration of light and love. This is true in nature. Take Einstein’s Law of Resonance for example. It concludes that when sound waves that vibrate at a lower frequency come near waves at a higher frequency, the lower will absorb into and join the higher vibration. In other words, all matter and energy is trying to upgrade to the highest level whenever it gets a chance. Human beings are matter and energy. We are made of spinning molecules and atoms. We rise to the level of energy we surround ourselves with. Those of us who are seekers and want to operate from a place of love and compassion, and actually try to live in truth and integrity, are helping to lift our sweet brothers and sisters who are are struggling in the darkness and shadow. We are creating positive vibrations. And then eventually, one day, we will all be living at the highest frequency possible, and that is Love. Gandhi illustrates this concept most simply,”Be the change you wish to see in the world”. Seek the Light and hold each other up.