Spiritual Healing Services
Return to Wholeness and Well-Being through our spiritual healing services. We offer the following
~Spiritual Counseling ~Soul Astrology Readings
~Soul Scents-Essential Oil Sessions ~Couples’s Astrology Readings
~Sound Healing ~Tarot Readings
~Energy & Chakra Clearings ~Ancestral Karma Healing
~Soul Work ~Past Life & Karmic Healing
~Crystology ~Shamanic Journey Session
~Crystal Bowl & Tuning Fork Clearings ~Soul Purpose Sessions
~Relationship Healings
Owner’s Michael & Katrina work together and individually to personally connect with you and guide you on your healing process. You can drop into one of their classes and experience their teachings and energetic offerings before scheduling a healing treatment if you like.
How to Schedule a Healing Session
You can call or stop by Karma Yoga Center to schedule a healing session and talk about your needs, with Katrina & Michael. Or email us or use the contact form below
(303) 284-8617 or e-mail Love@KarmaYogaCenter.com
Session can be scheduled at Karma Yoga Center (1705 S. Pearl St. Denver Co, 80210), or remotely by Zoom.
You can fill out the Contact Form below.
Please tell us what Well-Being Service you are interested in and a little about yourself.

Contact Us To Schdeule A Session

Katrina Gustafson
Crystalogist & Spiritual Counselor
Katrina draws upon many ancient wisdom traditions and her own intuitive powers to create a unique healing experience for her clients. She combines the use of sacred crystals and minerals, along with her ability to feel energies to bring the vibratory fields of the body/mind/spirit into alignment. She has an uncanny ability to hone in on the source of dis-harmony within and prescribe many natural and safe home remedies to bring the Self back into balance. Tuning forks, subconscious journey work, chakra clearings, intuitive readings, aromatherapy, crystal grids, mantras, intention setting, meditations, yoga, & breath work are just a few of the tools and prescriptions that Katrina uses in her sessions.
Katrina’s Offerings
- Soul Scents~ Essential Oil Session
- Spiritual Counseling
- Tuning Forks & Crystals
- Subconscious Journey Work
- Sound Healing
- Chakra Clearings
- Intuitive Readings
- Aromatherapy
- Crystal Grids
- Mantras, Meditation, Yoga & Breath-Work
- Intention Setting
Katrina’s services are $90/hr

Michael Shankara
Shaman & Astrologer
Michael is a certified yoga teacher and Shaman. He weaves together the practices and wisdom of Bhakti Yoga with Mayan Shamanism. Initiated into the sacred wisdom of the Maya, Michael is the sole apprentice under elder and shaman Dr. Don Miguel Angel Vergara. He provides live music for the yoga classes and mediations. Michael is a certified Crystology Healer and studies western astrology, astronomy, and the Mayan Calendars. He offers Energy Healings and Astrology Readings that integrate his shamanic and yogic trainings.
Michael works in the lineage of Evolutionary Astrology to help people understand their Soul’s journey and what their Karmic and Dharmic unfoldings are. Before potentially moving into any Energy or Journey Session, clients will first do a Birth Chart Astrology Reading. For more info on the Astrology Readings click HERE
Michael’s Offerings
All Energy, Healing or Journey Sessions are available after doing a Birth Chart Astrology Reading. For info on the Astrology Reading, click HERE
- Soul Astrology Readings
- Energy Clearings
- Spiritual Guidance
- Ancestor Communication and Healing
- Shamanic Journey Sessions
Michael’s Astrology Readings are $180 Reg/$162 Mem and all other Services are $90/hr

Julie Schenkelberg
Tarot Reader & Spiritual Artist
A sculptor and installation artist, Julie initially began her investigation of symbolism and divination alongside her art studies and practice. She began reading and studying the tarot in 2001, and draws upon her knowledge of Jungian archetypes, human psychology and Buddhist thought. Julie specializes in helping creative people become unblocked – writers and artists, but also those in finance or law.
Using a mix of decks with an in-depth knowledge of the traditional Raider-Waite deck, Julie channels with the aid of the cards. Her sensitive nature can pick up feelings in environments, rooms and energies where she strives to speak and work from a place of high vibration, light and love. She uses a host of ancestors, spirit guides and masters, who she lets do the work as a willing channel of light.
Having led a somewhat nomadic life, Julie currently works and reads for clients all over the world. She has lived in NYC, Cleveland, Detroit and Florida, and has lived in various countries across the world for months at a time.
Julie’s dedicated daily practice of service to others, meditation and self-care keep her centered.
@EmpressWorldTarot on Instagram (Tarot)
@JulieSchenkelberg on Instagram (Art)
Julie’s Offerings
- Tarot Readings
- Spiritual Guidance
- Ancestral Work
- Spiritual Art
Julie’s Readings are $90 Hourly or $45 Half Hour