Howl at the Moon and Love Everyone…
I hope you all have landed back on your feet from all the holiday hullabaloo. Hopefully you were able to find some peace and quiet during the break and do some nesting and self-reflection as well.
For the record, I feel the real New Year begins when new baby sprouts push up from the earth, and the trees start to bud out with some green, and the ice breaks and the thaw begins. That feels like new beginnings much more so than the cold, stark darkness of winter.

Now Is The Time For Deep Quiet
I always get confused when winter solstice arrives because all I want to do is put my pajamas on, pour a cup of tea-and cozy up in our little nest of a home. I so enjoy the solace and quiet of these dark days. But the external world is gearing up for bright lights and big city energy. We are suppose to go to this show and that party and then of course the big holiday family affairs. It requires so much energy to fulfill all the social obligations.

Change is How We Evolve
November Greetings! We are on the last phase of autumn and then we step into the darkest days of the year-we are moving toward Winter Solstice now. After seeing how the election turned out my guess is that about 50% of the United States feels like the darkness is upon us, while the other 50% feel we have come into…

True Gold Is In the Heart
Full Moon Greetings! This time I am writing from our plane ride returning from nearly three weeks of travel in Greece, Spain, and Portugal. The latter two countries we had never been to before and so we decided that while we were on the other side of the pond, we would include a visit to some new terrain.

Not All Who Wander Are Lost
Happy Full Moon! We just returned from teaching our 300hour training in Mexico. We were there for almost two weeks-steeped in the philosophies and practices of yoga and also the Mayan philosophies with a fantastic group of students. Each day we talked about the importance of connecting to Spirit-not only the great, all-encompassing collective spirit that moves through everything in…

Get Back To Your True Nature…
Every August, my family starts humming the classic Billy Madison tune, “Back to School. Back to School’, as we start getting all our ducks in a row for the return to school. The summer’s lazy days of no time frame and no schedule starts to wind down and we begin to implement a little routine back into our lives. Perfect timing as we cross over into detail-oriented Virgo…

Love Revolution…
There is a subtle shift in the ether. Can you feel it? Seasonally the light is more noticeably softening in toward the equinox. Also, the summer monsoon rains have rolled their afternoon thunderstorms in, creating an energetic shift that softens the intensity of the summer sun-thankfully.

Declaration of Inter-Dependence…
Its now officially summer! As we have just crossed the summer solstice threshold, I am reminded of the intensity that summer brings to the table. If the equinoxes bring balance, the solstices bring on the extremes: extreme temperatures-hot/cold, extreme light-longer/shorter, extreme outdoor time/indoor time.

Spirit Medicine…
May we all find the sacred and the spiritual energies of existence. May we see it in each other’s eyes. May we taste it in our food. May we feel it in our hugs. May we hear it in the wind. May we smell it in the rain. May we breath it into our hearts. May we love it back to life again…