Jan 13 – Feb 12 Astrology Report

“Expect The Unexpected & Bring Your Head to Your Heart”
This next month and the whole year of 2025 will be a wild ride. There is so much changing in the cosmic field that will manifest here on planet Earth. The year 2025 will be electric, radical, revolutionary, and revelatory. This will inspire much awe and reverence in the Heart. How one perceives this coming month and year depends on how open one’s heart is and how ready they are to fulfill one’s Dharma. This could be an exceptionally expansive and welcoming time to those who follow the synchronicities and keep faith in their Hearts.
Much is happening with Mercury, Uranus, and Aquarius energy for this current cycle. All three relate to electricity, lightning, change, evolution, revelation, and liberation- personally and collectively- the Ego Awakening to the Soul.
The Cancer Full Moon is magnified by the Sun trining Uranus on Jan 13. The moon is at home in Cancer and doubles down on Emotional Intelligence, Family, Creativity, and Intuition. The Sun and Uranus are inspirations with sudden and unexpected changes may be very supportive. Those two aspects can also expand the lunar energies for deep emotions, psychic abilities, and stirring of the ocean’s waters.
The Sun moves into Aquarius from Jan 19 – Feb 18 and will be joined by the New Moon on Jan 29- The Chinese New Year. This is the year of the Wood Snake. Snake energy is transformation, shamanic, life force, creativity, Shakti, Kundalini, and Magic. Significant Societal movements and shake-ups will happen this year. There may be some radical evolutions in technology and communication- along with some ancient mysteries called forth into the collective consciousness. Undoubtedly, things will be unusual, weird, different, and magnetized towards the Soul.
Uranus goes direct on Jan 30 after four months of retrograde. Uranus will be dancing between Taurus and Gemini all 2025 until it settles into this fast-moving sign in 2026 for 7 years. Uranus- the planet of unexpected changes- has been slowed down in Earthy Taurus since 2019. Once in Gemini, this is going to be a super-nova. Cosmic energies will be restored to light speed and be charging forward. Uranus’ deepest purpose is to awaken the Soul to the Ego. If we flow with the intent of the Soul, it will be stunningly beautiful…
Feb 2 is Imbolc and the mystical quarter season that marks the mid-point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. It means “in the belly” and represents the pregnant energy of Spring in the belly of Mother Earth. The bulbs, seeds, and snakes start to turn in the ground, preparing to extend for the light. This is a profound time for Ceremony and Honoring the cycle of life that brings rebirth and regeneration from the dark womb. It calls for faith, trust, and love to be shared. Gather with your community and prepare your seeds for spring.
Jupiter in Gemini goes Direct on Feb 4. Jupiter is faith, trust, and a vision quest for Truth. This is the medicine we need now and for the unfolding year. Place your trust in the unseen, the inner light, and in Love. Trust God and the Universe and your Soul. Quest for Goodness, and hold a vision of what a more beautiful world will look like. We are the visionaries and keepers of the flame that we are hoping will show up. Be the light you know you are and shine it upon a hill for all to see!
The Sun in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on Feb 11. This is no energy to be trifled with now that Uranus is direct. Unthinkable things may collapse, transform, change course, crash, explode, combust, or resurrect. Major world energies such as finance, earth, and fire are in the mix.
Stay steady, “Expect The Unexpected & Bring Your Head to Your Heart.” The heart is where you will find the way, the wonder and the magic. See you at the Leo Full Moon on Feb 12.
Schedule Your Personal Reading Now!
Michael is the Astrologer for Birth Chart Readings, Relationship Readings, and transits. You can schdeule a reading by e-mailing Michael Love@KarmaYogaCenter.com with the subject “Astrology Reading” or call 720-745-0184 for more info. Please be ready to provide your Birthdate, Birth Time, and Location of Birth 🙂
Katrina provides Spiritual Counseling, Crystal Healings and incorporates her innate understanding of astrology in her sessions. You can schdeule a session by e-mailing Katrina Love@KarmaYogaCenter.com with the subject “Spiritual Counseling” or “Crystal Healing.”
Or Fill Out the Form Below 🙂
Past Reports
Dec 15 – Jan 13 Astrology Report
“Go Forth Into The Light...”
“Go Forth Into the Light…” Yes, this is always the eternal guidance from the yogis and the ancients. The essence of your eternal Soul is the Hridyam Heart, described as 10,000 Suns at the center of your being. It is eternal, infinite, and everywhere at once. Our theme this month reflects that light on several levels. Astrology- in it’s essence- is…