Use the Buy One/Get One yoga class coupon
Summer is amongst us! Sunny days and warm nights, monarch butterflies, afternoon rains, and an abundance of flowers blooming everywhere. The other day I was laying on the grass looking up at the sky thinking how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful world. Summer, although it has the fiery energy of the sun, it is such a carefree and peaceful time of year. The days are longer to ponder and play, and the Earth is warm and beckons our soul to commune with her in the mountains, parks, desserts, and waterways. It is easy to lose track of time. The days fly by, and before we know it our yoga practice begins to wane. It gets traded in for the outdoors and the opportunity to be in the glorious sunshine.
We have a solution. Use the BOGO yoga coupon and that will get you into the studio at least twice. After you used those two, buy a month unlimited first timers package for $108 ($32 discount off regular price). And commit yourself to coming to at least three classes a week (preferably more).
Start your day off with yoga. The 9:15 am classes are chalked full of amazing teachers! Kristy, Buffy, Julieta, Ryan, Brenna, and Derik! Commit to a morning class, then choose at least one peaceful yoga, restorative yoga, or yoga nidra, to help destress midweek, then grab one more either over the lunch hour, evening, or weekend to workout all the toxins and recharge with one of the flow classes. Three times a week is a great way to keep your practice up, and still have time for summer.
When you purchase any package over $100 you will be entered to win the Karma Electra Bike ! I have one myself. It is so great. One of my best friends bought this bike about 7 years ago. When I first saw the purple and gold artwork on it I fell in love with it. Then, painted so sweetly on the side is her name “Karma”. I told myself I would someday own it, and it would be the inspiration for my someday yoga studio! Then seven years later I walked into this building, with its purple-painted walls and knew my karma had come around. I bought my own version of this bike a couple years ago, and now I want to pass the karma along to someone else. So on July 17th, after my class, we will hold the drawing for the bike. We are also giving away an iPod shuffle, certificates to Basil Doc’s Pizza, and a surprise giveaway to be announced. But I will give you a hint: I got love for you!
Incentives galore! Buy your package, enter the raffle! Keep your practice alive through summer, then come fall, prepare to hunker down and go deep into your practice. We are waiting for you!
And, just a word of warning, this place will suck you in! It has an energy all of its own and it feels really good! Its hard to stay away from it for very long, and its hard to leave it once you are inside. Its so shri (pure radiant beauty) and we want to share it with you. You might bring a sleeping bag, and a change of clothes…
Some upcoming events:
- Mala making class on July 8thwith Sarita! We will bead our malas in the community room from 7-9pm. The cost is $15 and you will learn to make your own personal meditation necklace. More details on the special events page.
- The Prana Room( our baby spa treatment room) opens July 10th. Book now for facials, massages, reiki readings, and footbaths. Kandice and Leigh Ann are amazing. They have created some yummy (literally edible) ayurvedic treatments. Facials for the different doshas made with all natural ingredients. Like strawberries, carrots, zucchinis, honeydew, and yogurt. They make them to order in the kitchen and then the magic facial begins. See the full menu.
- If you are new to yoga, we are offering our Yoga 101 workshop. My best bud and amazing yogini Lisa Schlelein and I are giving a workshop on Sunday the 11th of July from 1-4 for $60. You will learn so much about yoga in three hours. We go over all the basic poses complete with alignment instruction and modifications. We explain both the physical anatomy and subtle body anatomy with a brief explanation and exploration of the chakras. We learn several different pranayamas or breathwork, and several different meditation techniques. You will also receive a brief overview of the history and background of yoga and its sister in wellness, Ayurveda.
- On July 17th and 18th from 1-4 both days, Julie Campilio will lead a workshop for those interested in teaching yoga to kids. Julie is certified through several different kids yoga schools, most predominately YogaEd. One of the countries most recognized programs. The cost is $150 for the 6hour program. She has prepared a comprehensive curriculum that will prepare you for teaching young people yoga in any setting.
- If you are thinking about becoming a yoga teacher in general, our YOGA TEACHER TRAINING is going to launch Sept. 18th. We are really excited about this program. See the teacher training page for more details. This will fill fast, so start the thinking process! In order to keep the integrity of the program we will only be accepting 15 students per session.
- Join us for a pre-concert soiree for Michael Franti at Karma on July 31st. Details coming.
Keep up your practice, enjoy the sunshine, and send healing love to the gulf waters!
Much love to you all,
Katrina Gustafson Broyles