Karma hosts Yoga Rocks the Park
Namaste Friends!
The rain is dampening our Yoga Rocks The Park plans, so come to Karma Yoga Center! We are going to have a fun indoor version of the yoga rocks the park. We have space and we would love to host the event at our digs. Gary Fishman will be playing his music and I will be leading with the class with the help of my talented staff. We haven’t filled all our rooms with furniture yet since we are so new, so we have lots of floor space! It will be fun…like a yoga slumber party! Karma is the back up plan! We are located near Wash Park at Alameda and Franklin. Call if you have questions. 720-379-3627. See you here!
Remember, next week is our grand opening. We have so many events scheduled Friday-Sunday. Check out the special events page for more details.
Rain or shine, do yoga!
See you soon,