An Attitude of Gratitude
Namaste Friends!
Thanks so much for everyone who supported Yoga Rocks the Park yesterday here at Karma! We had a great time, and though we know hard wood floors can’t replace the grass of the park, we managed to send lots of love and healing energy to Mother Gaia as well as each other.
Be sure and check out our special events page for all the fun things we have coming up for this weekend…our grand opening! We have been so blessed with all the wonderful people who have helped get things started here and can’t wait to have this weekend to celebrate our community. Please come for any or all of the events we have planned and bring whoever you would like. All are welcome.
Things kick off on Friday at 7:00pm with Santosh’s arti to Hanuman and continue on with Gary Fishman’s gong bath from 8-9:30. We look forward to seeing you!
Thank you for your light and all you add to this beautiful world!
With much love and gratitude,
Assistant Director of all things Karma