If you want Golden Delicious don’t plant Crabapples

Namaste Friends,

Finally it is beginning to feel more like summer and many of us have headed out to our gardens to dig in the earth and plant our bounty.  Its one of my most favorite things about summer; digging in the earth and feeling the warmth of her soil.  It is very literally grounding.  As I was selecting the different varieties of lettuce, tomotoes, basil, and other wonderful vegetables and herbs I had to stop and ponder about what it was that I really wanted to cultivate.  My garden is only so big, so I have to be selective.  Do I want Butter Lettuce or Arugula?  Do I want Roma or Big Boys?  What we sow, so shall we reap. 



This is also the case for the seeds of thought that we plant in the garden of our soul.  Our mind is the fertile terrain that produces our life experiences.  We become our thoughts.  Thoughts are like seeds.  They bloom into our actions.  If we continually hold the thought pattern that we “can’t”, it is a sure bet that we won’t.  If we tell ourselves that we are notgood enough, we will walk around like a shadow, instead of being our light.  If we think we are inadequate, we will fulfill that thinking by underachieving.  But, if we hold the thought pattern that we can, we will.  If we tell ourselves that we are fabulous, we will shine.  If we believe in our power, we will be strong.  Spend time weeding out the negative thought patterns, and then watch the abundance of goodness blossom around you.  Be your light, not your shadow. 


In Sanskrit the word for seed is bija.  All of the energy centers in our body have a seed sound or bija or mantra.  For example, the seed sound for third eye center is aum or om. So every time we aum, we are activating our intuition, our insight, our inner knowing.   When we use these seed sounds as a mantra or repitition of thought, we begin to cultivate that which we are invoking.    If our mantra is Peace, and we repeat Peace, Peace, Peace in our mind.  Peace will begin to manifest in your life.  Sound is vibration, even our thoughts are vibrations.  Everything is vibration.  We interact through vibration.  So whats your vibe?  Are you vibrating Self Doubt and Worry?  Jealousy and Insecurity?  Resentment and Bitterness?  If you are, you are polluting the Universe with negative energy.  So not only are you hurting yourself, but your vibe is effecting the collective.   Yes, you are one person amongst 6.5 billion people.  So you might think your “energy” is insignificant to the whole.  But according to MIT meteorologist Edward Lorenz who coined the idea of ” The Butterfly Effect”,  a small change at one place in a nonlinear system can result in large differences to a later state. For example, the presence of a butterfly flapping its wings over a flower in China could lead to the creation of a hurricane in the Caribbean.  You are significant, impacting and important.  Therefore vibrate as such!  Plant thoughts of joy, love, and happiness. Just as we would take the time to select the seeds for our garden in the yard, make the effort to select seeds that nuture your soul. 

Happy planting!

Much Love,

Katrina Gustafson

Upcoming Events

We are Open for Memorial Day!  All classes are on our regular schedule with the exception of the 6:15 am class.  Sleep in!

Tibetan Singing Bowl Concert on June 5th from 7-8 with Alicia Lochary $15

Kids Bucket Drum Lessons with Damon the Zen Drummer.  Mondays from 2-3 in June and one Monday in July.  Begins June 6th. 

New Schedule starts June 20th

Awakening through Meditation Series with Sri Jeff Poole.  June 24th, 25th, and 26th.  Learn to meditate with a seasoned master.  $147

And wait to you see the whats coming in July…like design your own Sanskrit tattoo workshop with Dr. Poole!

Lakshmi Puja for the summer soltice.      

We are honoring the upcoming Summer Soltice with a Lakshmi Puja that my beloved teacher and friend Dr. Katyayani Poole and her husband Sri Jeff Poole are officiating.  This sacreed ceremony is a way to honor and cultivate beauty and abundance in our lives.  There is no charge for the beautiful occasion, but we are accepting donations to be gifted to Urban Peak, Denvers homeless shelter for teens.  This is a great opportunity to create a strong and positive vibration for the collective as well as for yourself.  We chant the Lakshmi mantra 108 times and this is done after we witness such a beautiful ceremony that honors and glorifies Lakshmi, the goddess of Love, Beauty, and Abundance.  Bring any of your sacred alter items that you would like to have blessed along side of our beautiful Lakshmi.

 It will be held on Sunday June 19th from 7:00-8:30