Happy Birthday Karma!


“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Namaste Friends,

I am constantly amazed at how time slips by. Seriously, Father Time isn’t the slow old man with the long white beard anymore; he is a super-fly fast youngster spinning out the days like a Vegas card dealer .  The day is dawned, and then it is gone.  And then you close your eyes for a few winks and a new one is handed to you.  Some days you are dealt a good hand, some days you just fold.  But one thing is for sure.  Time is flying by.  





One year ago on May 22nd, I opened Karma Yoga Center.  It seems like just yesterday.  But we have actually taken a 365 day journey around the sun, and as the rotation comes full circle I can’t help but reflect upon all that transpired during the course of a year.  I have met so many amazing yogis; we have hosted excellent musicians and kirtans, workshops,  guest teachers, gurus, and swamis . We have offered two ayurvedic cleanses.  We have trained and certified two teacher trainings which included two Hindu Deity Dinner Theatres.  The Dharma Cafe is underway, with a sweet remodel in the workings.  The Prana room has expanded its services to include acupuncture, yoga therapy, and cranial sacral therapy.  We have over 52 employees, every single one bringing their light and love to the place.  And we were able to assist several charitable programs throughout the year.  I can’t help but sit with humble gratitude and joy in my heart for all that has transpired.  Truly I thank you from the bottom of my hear to everyone for your patronage and support in this first year.



In effort to show my gratitude and return some of the love

we are lowering our prices. 

 We have had a good year and would like to pass on some of the savings to you as well. 

 To kick off our birthday weekend we will be offering our new rates on Friday the 20th. 

Beginning with the sweet deal of a month of unlimited yoga for $108 if you set up autopay,

and $129 if you go month to month. 

$99 month unlimited if you are a new student to our studio.   


Birthday Drum Circle On May 22nd

To celebrate this milestone, my dear friend Damon the Zen Drummer is going to host a drum circle on May 22nd! 

 It will begin at 6:30 and go til sunset. 

We will then continue the celebration with food and drink. 

Please join us. 

The cost for the drum circle is $10. 

 Damon brings many drums from all over the world.  He gives us a brief tutorial at the beginning to show us how to play each of the drums.  And then we just go for it.  No experience is necessary and all between the ages of 2-200 are welcome to attend.  Its a great way to celebrate and bless this sacred space.


There is one last bit I would like to say on this subject.  One of the biggest lessons I learned from this experience of taking a risk and following your heart is that no matter how challenging, scary, stressful, or daunting the task my be, it is absolutely worth every bit of it in exchange to be true to your heart; to live your soul’s purpose; and to fully step into your potential. You can’t put a price on living a life with a soul on fire. Its invaluable and essential. Joy becomes more accessible.  Peace is always at the base of your existence.  And creativity oozes from the deep recesses of your being.  If you are at that crossroads in your life, wondering if you should follow your passion.  The answer is Absolutely.  Hell to the Yes.  Go for it.  Even if you were to fail, and you won’t, it is better to have had the satisfaction of attempting to live your dharma, then to have missed it altogether while living a life of longing and complacency. 

 As Jack London so simply stated, “The purpose of life is to live, not to exist.” 

 Follow your heart. 

Much love,

Katrina Gustafson