The Times They Are A Changin’

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don’t criticize
What you can’t understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin’.
Please get out of the new one
If you can’t lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin
.” –
Bob Dylan 1964

Namaste Friends,

Perhaps you feel the heaviness in the air.  Partially due to the fires in Arizona, and partially due to the heat of summer, and partially due to the Universal shift that is happening in the cosmos.  Most of us are aware that we have three eclipses happening between June 1st and July 1st.  A solar eclipse, and lunar eclipse, and another solar eclipse coordinating with the new and full moons.  That alone is attributing to some of the heaviness you might be feeling.  As yogis, and most who read this blog wear that identification, are more apt to sense the shifts that are amongst us because we are, whether we are aware of it or not, working with subtle body energies every time we roll out our mat. Through pranayama (breathwork), through asana (poses), through meditation we are stirring our kundalini energy or our shakti that sits at the base of our spine.  If you haven’t read Sally Kempton’s article this month in Yoga Journal, I strongly encourage you to do so, she is a tantric scholar and one of the most insightful women in the yoga industry that I have had the pleasure to meet.  She explains that our kundalini energy is a  combination of masculine and feminine energy or shiva/shakti; perhaps for a more familiar way to look at it one could say yin/yang.  She says shakti energy (female) is LOVE, and shiva energy (masculine) is AWARENESS.   In our yoga practice we are invoking  these two potent energies: love and awareness.  We want to keep them  in fullness and in balance of each other as well. 

So, because we are more aware and heartfelt, we are more apt to feel the immense shift that is occurring energetically all around us. Bob Dylan wrote the song The Times They Are A Changin’ in 1964 at a time when we were experiencing great cultural shifts in our country and the lyrics resonated with the people.  But in a later interview, Dylan said he didn’t only write the song to reflect the politcal or cultural climate of the day, but rather the feeling of a bigger shift that is taking place Universally.  I am not trying to get all “Rapture” here.  I am more speaking to the literal energetic shifts amongst the stars and planets that have a strong governing force on our human existence.  Laws of physics come into play with this theory.  Gravity  tugs on our energetic body as well as our physical body.   The “tuggin” can feel heavy and sometimes disorienting.   But this shift is transformational and can often bring about new beginings. 



The times are a changin.  And it is the best time to come to your mat.  When we do so, we bring energy and balance to our body: physical and subtle.  We open our heart and a deeper state of consciousness.  We begin to align with these deeper transformational shifts happening everywhere.  Our emotions are full.  Our intuition is strong.  And an awakening begins to happen in our soulful self.  What an amazing time we are in.  Ride the wave.  Live fully in every moment.  Allow yourself to experience this life from a place of Love and Awareness.  Settle for nothing less. 



Much love, 

Katrina Gustafson


We Have a Lot Happening in June. 

Check out the Special Events Page  to get the complete line up.

  • Lakshmi Puja with Dr. Katyayani Poole on the 19th

  • Yin-Mersion with Denise Cook June18-19, July 23-24

  • Awakening through Meditation with Sri Jeff Poole on the 24th, 25th, 26th

  • Drum Circle with Damon the Zen Drummer on the 26th

  • Surfing with the Stars with Dr. Katyayani Poole begins on July 6th

  • Check out our new community tab and leave us a message!
