Love One Another

Namaste Friends,

Do you ever notice that sometimes you feel more loving, kind, and generous than other times?  I think that most of us try to be in that place as often as we can, but it isn’t always so easy to tap into that space 24 hours a day.  I am very aware of what can take me away from these joyful states of mind:  lack of sleep, poor diet, and people who are intentionally mean.  I am also aware of what can easily bring me back to our natural loving demeanor, and it usually correlates with a random act of  kindness that someone bestows upon me or that I witness being bestowed upon someone else.  The sweetness of the act triggers a soft spot in my heart, and takes my thoughts to all that I love.  A simple gesture of kindness softens even the toughest of hearts.  And, it is so easy to be sweet.  But yet, there is a huge population of people who struggle with the idea of just being nice for the sake of being nice.  There seems to be a “what’s in it for me” mentality that prohibits folks from smiling at a stranger, or offering their seat to someone standing on a bus, or even more taxing to their constitution, giving of their time and energy to help those less fortunate.  And, if it isn’t the greediness in people that keeps them from being kind, then it is a lack of faith in the importance of loving one another.  The  “what good is it really going to do?”  attitude. 

We are all born joyful and loving.  Its a birthright.  It is a natural state of mind for all spirit beings.  So how did selfishness, greed, and apathy ever become so powerful?  It doesn’t feel good in our soul to be those things.  It makes us physically ill.  We certainly can’t perform at optimum capacity when we are fueling our selves with hate thoughts, lethargy, and vengence.  So why do we do it? 

I think it is because we have lost our spiritual connection.  We don’t see that there is something greater than ourselves moving through our lives.  Grace is not recogized as easily as it could be because we have become accustomed to feeling love, joy, and kindness in the form of chocolate, wine, and brand names.  We have traded in the our faith and love in the Divine, and placed importance on material gain and social stature. 

Perhaps if we strengthened our understanding, devotion, and connection to our Higher Power, we would more easily step into the flow of lovingkindness.  Then, once we are swimming in that current of compassion, we would be less likely to fall prey to the snags along the shoreline that pull us away from our goodness.  The strength of the current would carry us swiftly past those obstacles and delivers us downstream toward the sea, where we all merge into oneness; where separation doesn’t exist.  No one person is better than another.  We are all brothers and sisters.  We are all part of a collective whole.  When one of our people is suffering, a little piece within each of us is suffering too. 

So lets start by loving ourselves so that we can better love others.  Get sleep, eat healthy, spend our energy in the right direction.  Take good self care.  Then from that place of wholeness,  share our energy with everyone else.   Lets hold each other up.  Smile and give hugs.  Offer our help.  Practice lovingkindess.  The world needs it right now.   Hari Om.

If you are in need of some ideas of how to nuture the idea of self care we have lots of offerings here at Karma Yoga Center.  Please be sure to explore the special events page for a full list of all the offerings.  Here are a few of the most immediate upcoming events:

~Karmic Happenings~


Mala Making Workshop with Christina Valastro

Learn about the power of japa (repetition) meditation and the importance of malas. 

Then, create your own mala charged with your own special mantra (prayer). 

March 13th 1:15-3:15pm                        $15 with your own beads, $25 with beads provided


Introduction to Deep Listening with Janet Fiorenzo 

Would you like to be able to align your thoughts, words and actions with that inner voice? If you answered ‘yes’

 this is your invitation to quiet the mind and listen deeply for your truth. 

March 12th  1:30-3:30pm                       $35


Real Yoga the Right Way: Mastering the Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita

 with Dr. Katyayai Poole

Part 3: How to Love like a Yogi

March 6th, 27th, April 3rd   1-3pm                  $145 for all three


Kirtan with Ryan Nataraj and Damon the Zen Drummer 

This is Ryan Nataraj’s farewell kirtan!  Come dance and sing the night away-let’s send our dear bhakti yogi off with

celebration for the beginning of a new phase.   

March 18th 7:30-9:30pm                  $10 in advance, $15 the night of


Friday Night Yoga Club 

Karma is the host on Friday the 25th.  Teachers Lisa Schlelein and China Carll.  FNYC’s focus is on uniting the Denver Yoga Community and its profits support the Chanda Plan, which brings much needed yoga therapy to those with disabilities.

 It’s going to be a great time!

March 25th 6-9pm                $20 in advance/$25 the night of

(includes yoga, food from the Dharma Café, DJ & dancing after the event).  


Yoga Nidra with Jeremy Wolf

Experience the powerful practice that induces a complete state of physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. 

Understand how it works, why it’s such an integral aspect of yoga and a balanced life in general,

and learn how to get more from your practice.

March 26th 4-6pm                $35


Awakening Through Meditation with Sri Jeff Poole

Learn techniques to help create a calm, steady mind that opens potential for a consistent

 and enjoyable meditation practice. 

March 27th  2-4pm               $25


On behalf of the entire Karma staff, we thank you for coming to class with your great energy. I am grateful for your continued patronage.  Stay bright.  I look forward to seeing you soon.

Much love,

Katrina Gustafson Broyles