Balance in all Things

Namaste friends~

It’s been a while since I last blogged here…I must be a bit out of balance.  🙂  It’s Lisa, Katrina’s right-hand woman here at Karma Yoga Center.   

One of my favorite things about yoga practice is how it teaches us to find and maintain balance.  In our physical (asana) practice we learn how to stand on one foot, or find steadiness on hands, forearms, or even the head.  We learn how even while balanced and firm in a pose, there is a degree of movement and adjusting the body does to maintain a homeostatic state.

    As we continue to explore our practice and open to the natural balance the asanas contain, we open a gateway for balance to spill into other aspects of our lives.  We find ourselves noticing thoughts and attitudes that are not in balance.   We start to see how our emotions play on our thoughts, pulling us away from the solid center of the even-minded Self.  We even start to see how our actions reflect imbalance and take us away from the bliss of Oneness.   

 So we search for ways to find our center.  We look for ways we can maintain the peace and stability of our Selves.  We come to our mats each day to practice asana.  We may even employ pranayama (breathwork) and meditation techniques.  But we can also find that sometimes we need another method.  We may need a chance to explore stability through devotion, or through learning.

 Kat and I do our very best to offer events here at Karma that can help everyone find and maintain balance.  Coming up are some great opportunities for yogis of all ages to find and help maintain their balance. 

This Sunday, February 20th is a FREE YOGA CLASS FOR SENIORS from 3:30-4:45pm.  Taught by Gail Waldstein, MD and certified yoga instructor.

Gail is such a gift to our community!  She has made it her mission to bring yoga into the lives of seniors.  

While yoga is practiced by some 15 million people in the U.S. many seniors have the impression it is a practice for the young.  Not so!  Yoga is of great benefit at any age.  If you are older, stiff, injured, out of balance, or have never done yoga before, this class is for you.  And it’s free! 

And…if this gains momentum we’d love to make it a regular class offering. 



Next Friday, February 25th is a KIRTAN with Lerraine Hortsmanhoff.  7:30-9pm 

 Singing your praises to the divine is one of the best ways to express gratitude for the gift of balance.  

Kirtan shows us that in order to connect with our true Selves we don’t have to stand on our heads, or arms, or even one foot.  We are free to connect through the vibration of music and explore the way it moves our bodies. 

 After all, sometimes don’t you just need to dance and sing!?      



Next Saturday, February 26th is SANSKRIT FOR YOGIS taught by Dr. Katyayani Poole.   1:00-6:00pm    

 Dr. Katy is one of the most authentic and gifted teachers of yoga there is.  And we are honored to have her teaching here at Karma. 

 This 5 hour immersion will introduce you to the ancient and powerful language of Sanskrit by learning the sounds of the alphabet.  These sound vibrations awaken pranic (energic) channels in the body to help quiet the mind and invigorate the spirit.  These vibrations also help us connect with the natural world and it’s cycles, futhering our ability to live in balance. 

You are sure to love this experience!



Balance isn’t always easy.  And sometimes we need to go out of balance in order to get back into balance.  But the more time we spend in the center, even-minded and calm, the more we can express who we are on the inside to the outside world.  As external influences shift and change, ebb and flow, we find a channel of stability within that is the grace of the divine.     

“The best and safest thing is to keep a balance in your life, acknowledge the great powers around us and in us. If you can do that, and live that way, you are really a wise man.”

Much love and peace to each of you,
