Lisa Theis

Lisa strives to provide a class that will not only be informative and educational in the spirit of Svadhyaya (Self study), but also reflective of the play and fun that come from the Light of our Souls.  She honors the tradition of yoga and it’s evolution, and has practiced everything from Bikram to Power to Jivamukti to Anusara to Vinyasa in the past 12 years, and most recently is on a path following Para Yoga, founded by Rod Stryker.  Yoga practice in Lisa’s classes provide a glimpse into the power behind the postures, the real and true transformation this practice brings to our lives.  We work on ways access the depths in the body with breath and honor the personal experience and relationship each person has with Spirit.  And there’s almost always a bit of humor…afterall, if we can’t laugh at ourselves, what can we laugh at?  Jai Ma!