Shove Off and See What’s Around the Bend

Namaste Friends,

I am so glad we live in a place that has four full seasons.  It creates opportunity to switch up the lifestyle patterns and habits we easily fall into.  My daily routine no longer includes watering the outside plants, garden, and lawn.  I switched out the flip flops and sandals for my Danskos and boots.  I harvested my garden, which created a need to spend Sunday afternoons stewing up culinary wonders in the kitchen. Warmer coats and sweaters don the hall hooks, and the thicker blanket on the bed gave the room a new feel. Its a good thing to embrace and welcome change. It keeps us from becoming stagnant and stalled out in our life.

Many people fear, and even resist change.  It takes them out of their comfort zone.  It makes them have to interact with new ideas and people, think creatively, experience things that are unfamiliar.  And then there are some of us wouldn’t have it any other way.  We welcome other view points, engage in conversation with new people, and jump at the chance to try something different.  Each time we exert energy in expanding our awareness and consciousness, we grow in our understanding of this life experience and our roll we play in it.  Avoiding change is equivalent to sticking your head in the sand.  You may as well be dead.

Carpe Diem as they say. Head out today and see what new and interesting things you can discover. Encourage your creative side (and yes you have one) to come out. Move things around in your house. Switch up the route you take to walk the dog. Start at the other end of the grocery store. Ask the barista to surprise you. Wear a color you think you hate (watch how many people tell you that you look good in it). Order something you can’t pronounce. Google an interesting fact and share it with someone. Listen to an unfamiliar genre of music on Pandora (for more than one song).  Get all dressed up and take yourself out to dinner; its good practice to be comfortably alone in public. It promotes self confidence. Shake things up a bit.

Nature is one of our best teachers. She cycles through life welcoming change at each quarter post. And like I mentioned earlier, we are fortunate enough to live in a place that has very tangible and clear reminders of these seasonal changes.  As our weather turns us inward, let our spirit join in the evolution as well. Fall in/out of new patterns, routines, and habits.  And be grateful that we have the great gift of adaptability, flexibility, and mobility. No matter what phase or age we are at in this life, it is ever-flowing.  Life does not stop moving. Its that great river we have all stood at the bank of and watched the never-ceasing current rush by.  Its good to occasionally row our boat to shore and take in the surroundings; to breath in the moment and get grounded.  But we have to be careful not to get too attached to that moment because it too shall pass.  Its best to take it in for all that it was worth, then shove off and see what is around the bend.  That is the ritam or the natural flow of life.  I look forward to seeing you around the bend.

Much love,

Katrina Gustafson

Things to encourage creativity, energy, and flow:

Yoga and Art Workshop with Una Viggiani and Katrina Gustafson

Sunday October 9th 1-4pm.  $20.

Flow the creative juices with an hour yoga class, then follow it up with art class.  Just bring something to funkify.  We have all the art supplies

Kundalini Workshop with Shannon Earthtree

Fri-Sun Oct. 21-23rd.  (take all three classes or individual sessions) prices vary

Discover how to move your own creative energy through the practice of Kundalini yoga

Music and Song: A Kirtan with Dakini Ma and Kate Drazner!

Saturday Nov. 12th 7-9pm $10 early/$15 day of

Mala Making Workshop with Christina Valastro.

Sunday Oct. 30th 1-3:30pm $40 (includes bead kit)

Learn the significance of 108 beads, the art of making a mala, and how to bring in the art of sacred mantra to your meditation practice