Now is the time to be Present

Namaste Friends!

So I was thinking.  Our life experience is so utterly amazing and beautiful.  If we PAUSE long enough in our harried lifestyle to really BE in our lives, we can see all the precious gifts and abundant good fortune we have right in our midst.  There is so much magnificence in even the simplest of things.  I was driving down University to get to the studio and I was consciously trying to take in each moment.  I love how the trees on either side of the street create a shimmering canopy all the way from Evans to Cherry Creek.  It is as if the leaves on the trees are waving at me, welcoming me each day as I drive to work.  At least that is how I view it;  it is a joyful offering  from the Universe.  If we don’t carve out the time to BE in the moment, the moment passes and with it goes all of its subtle, but potent gifts.  Instead, we live for the next vacation when we can just relax.  But every moment is a mini vacation if we let it be.  We just need to learn how to turn off the all the analysis, judgement, discernment, and criticism.  And BE in the NOW. 


 See the trees dance in the breeze.  Observe the unreal rainbow.   Appreciate the love someone put into their beautiful flower garden. Hold the warm eggplant at the farmers market in your hand and FEEL all of its energy it used in the last four months to become ripe.  How divine!  When we practice being in the moment, our life doesn’t pass us by, instead it nourishes our spirit.  We learn to enjoy each and every sweet breath we take in. We see the beauty in the simplest of things.  Are heart is more joyful because we notice the gifts.  Our joyful heart creates an inner radiance (tejas in sanskrit), and our tejas becomes contagious.  Others see our joy and want to share in that light; and they begin to slow down and take in the moments, they breath in the Now.  And just imagine if everyone were living in the present moment, instead of worrying about the future, or lamenting the past, how incredibly uncomplicated this world would be.  We would be able to see the trees waving us hello every day of our perpetual mini-vacation.

Our practice on the mat helps us practice being present off the mat.  So as you decide which class to take next, consider our newest offering.  We are starting a new class on Sundays at noon called Yog-A-Go-Go.  One of our amazing teachers Kristina Nasi developed this concept when she decided she wanted to theme her music for her class.  Each Sunday she will have a different music theme either based on genre or artists.  This week is her favorite Michael’s, as in Jackson and George!  She is a fun and funny teacher and this class is geared for like minded yogis.  Come to Yog-A-Go-G0!

 Also, we have several special events coming up!  Including special guest Zarah Kravitz, who is coming from New York to do a  yoga workshop on Ahimsa (Non-Violence) in the teachings of Sri Dharma Mittra.  We are really excited for this great opportunity!  She will be here Saturday Sept. 4th from 1-4pm. 

Be sure to check out the Special Events tab for all of the other offerings…

like the Gong Bath on Sept. 17th,

or Swami Maheshanada on the 21st of Sept…and much more.


 Much love, 

Katrina Gustafson Broyles