You live the life that is meant to be

“A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.”-Albert Einstein

One of the best ways to remove our bias and judgmental minds from the equation at hand is to sit in quiet meditation. If we can dissolve and settle all the turbulence in our head, even for a few minutes, we get a glimpse of the Truth of the situation. Seek equanimity, or composure of the mind first thing in the morning. Carve out a minimum of 5 minutes to still your mind and body; in doing so your Spirit rises to the surface and reveals to you what Is. Repeat this again before bed. That way you enter dreamtime without the influences of your little Self, and venture into the subconscious state with your Higher Self leading the journey. This is a much more effective way to navigate through this life experience. You live the life that is meant to be. ❤10517977_912232745468980_4856589300553331465_n