When the Power of Love overcomes…

When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of Power, the World Will Know Peace.

Namaste friends,

My inner science geek is exploding like a chemistry experiment gone haywire.  I am realizing faster than my little pea brain can process the information that there are so many correlations between me and the Universe!  I am the Universe.  You are the Universe.  We are the Universe.  Hari Om!  We are all one! And through electromagnetic fields and quantum physics there is now evidence of how this can possibly be…albeit still very much at the pioneer stage of discovery and translated in heavy science geek language.  And of course I, in my infant stage of understanding, am going to try to put in a language we can all understand. Ha!

No way can I even begin to legitimately throw down how the Universe came to be, and how ‘We are the Universe’ in one little blog post.  I am not trying to pretend that I have that knowledge or the ability to disseminate that information with any scientific  accuracy.  But I have been burying my head in all things cosmos for a little while now and I think I can make an offering that will perhaps help those of you who are feeling the huge shift in our consciousness, both as a collective and as individuals, which is happening at this very powerful time in our existence.  That’s my little disclaimer.  Now for my very rudimentary interpretation of how we are all one:

Think of the ocean.  All the water flowing together; not separate. Now imagine if you were to take a water dropper and begin to pull out drops of water one at a time and place them into individual containers…roughly 7 billion containers. That’s us.  That is the whole thing.  That simple.  Yes. In the beginning we were a united ocean of consciousness, awareness, light energy or if I dare say “God”. Then that collective consciousness wanted to experience an embodied life and splintered itself into billions of  little entities, including animals, trees, mountains, oceans etc…

Now for some that analogy will require some more evidence, and I can point you in the direction of some theory and research. But I am not going to go there now.  Instead, I am going to ask that you take a leap of faith, and keep following me on this oceanic swim.

Each of us is made of the same essence; in this analogy it is water, but in real life, that water essence is Love, or the energy of our heart. So even though we are little individual containers, each uniquely different in size, volume, shape, purpose, we all contain at the most fundamental level a shared energy and that is pure consciousness, or Love. I don’t mean romantic love, although that is a part of it.  I mean pure, unconditional Love for all beings, the creatures, the earth, the cosmos, all of creation. When we begin to recognize that the very same creation energy or Divine Intelligence that made me, also made Neptune, also made the blooming crocus in my front yard, also made the whales in the ocean, then we don’t feel as separated.  We know that the same Divine Intelligence that makes the tree bear fruit perennially is the same Divine Intelligence that is coursing through my veins that is also trying to get me to bear my fruit.

The difference between humans and all other aspects of creation is our ego and free will.  Our individuality includes its own unique personality complete with a full range of emotions and intellect.
Ego can be a beautiful way to deliver our fruit or gifts to the collective if it is properly groomed and kept in balance.  But many people haven’t been educated on how to nurture a healthy ego. Instead it becomes an unruly child and takes over our whole Self.  We feed it all materialistic junk it wants and in turn it becomes obese with a need for power; its overly competitive, highly critical, and wearily satisfied with anyone or anything. And because we have strayed away from our original Oneness, we have weakened our ability to see the “ocean” or Love in all things, we only see the “containers” or the individual.  Our Oneness has shifted to Me-ness, or mean-ness. But if we dumped out the contents of our Soul, or the water in our container, back into a collective bucket, we would have an ocean of  unconditional Love again.  We would automatically lose our separation and therefore lose the need for power, competition, comparison.

I hear the skeptics now, “That’s all good and fine lady, but in reality, we aren’t containers of water that we can dump back into the ocean”.  This is true.  Not in the physical way, anyway.  But I believe, if everyone made an individual effort to nurture and groom their ego so that instead of trying to out do each other, instead of trying to be the most powerful, the most beautiful, the most wealthy, the hottest body, the prettiest face, the fastest car, the biggest house….if instead, we used that energy to hold each other up; To extend a hand to help one another reach our potential, bear our fruit, find our gifts…that we would live as if we were swimming in an ocean of Love, Peace, and Oneness.  It is my believe that the reason we were given ego and free will is so that we could each bring to fruition our beautiful, unique gift to the world so that when everyone is standing in their powerful expression of Loving Energy, we are able to experience what it is to be complete utter Joy, infinitely.

Jimmy Hendrix put it so poignantly, when the Power of Love overcomes the Love of Power, the world will know peace.

Love is why we are here. Love is who we are at the core. Be Love.

Blessings to all,
