“One of the deepest longings of the human soul is to be seen”

“One of the deepest longings of the human soul is to be seen”~John 0’Donahue

It doesn’t take too much effort to acknowledge someone. A twenty second compliment can spark a person’s self-confidence for the whole day. Why not see how many people you can lift up today by merely acknowledging their presence with a pleasant “Good morning. How are you?” or “You look lovely today”. It is okay to speak these words to a perfect stranger. I know not all people are gregarious and outspoken, but all people at the core seed of their soul have an original source-and that source is Love. So even the grumpiest curmudgeon can eek out a sweet hello if they chose to. And if everyone took that 20 secs here and there to hold each other up, the whole world would feel the positive vibrations.934795_932097606815827_874233002159902027_n